Cleaner air, less waste and a brighter future…for everybody. Our commitment to environmental sustainability remains central to our operations.


Through integration with our Global Supply Chain team, we’re committed to improving efficiencies within our operations, as demonstrated through our science-aligned Scope 1 & 2 targets and Zero Waste to Landfill goals.

Across our entire global enterprise, we’re making clear progress on reducing our overall operational environmental footprint, including energy consumption (Scope 1 and Scope 2), waste generation and landfilling.

A field of solar panels

Renewable Energy is Key

Transitioning our operations to renewable energy is reducing our total electrical load and carbon intensity.

Our Decarbonization Efforts
A massive factory floor

Goodbye to Waste

We’re achieving Zero Waste to Landfill status by minimizing waste and reusing and recycling wherever possible.

See Our Plan

Focused on energy efficiency and carbon reduction opportunities, we continue to drive down our emissions and decarbonize our operations. As people and as a business, our commitment to the climate runs deep. We also see these efforts as an opportunity to continually improve how our operations work and our bottom line. Investing in sustainability is smart from every angle.

Portrait of Tamer Abuaita
Tamer Abuaita
Global Chief Supply Chain Officer and President, Industrial

Sometimes numbers speak louder than words.

See our progress.

1. Scope 1: All direct emissions from those activities under our control, stationary and mobile, including on site fuel combustion such as gas-fired furnaces and boilers. Scope 2: Indirect emissions from electricity purchased and used.

2. Zero Waste to Landfill (ZWTL) goal applies to our manufacturing facilities and distribution centers where we have control of the operations and incineration with energy recovery is included in our ZWTL performance.